राजकीय महिला पॉलीटेक्निक, चरखारी, महोबा

(Affiliated with : Board of Technical Education, U.P.)

Placement Details

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The journey of excellence started with the inception of Government Girls Polytechnic Charkhari and is still continuing, the college is striding towards greater heights year by year. This couldn’t be made possible without the remarkable support that we received from corporate world. We are really indebted to all the corporate leaders.

Our placement activities start from the month of October every year. In this regard, I would like to welcome all the organizations to bestow their pre-placement presentations and to interact with our students in order to explore the prospects of recruitment and selection, as well as to interact with our esteemed faculties for developing robust industry – academia partnership with us

Mr. Nitin Kumar Verma
Lecturer I.T

Placement Details

S.No. Name Branch Placed in Company Session